A few months ago I mentioned that I would publish something on this blog about the Inuit experience in Montreal. While there are a large number of success stories , there are others that need our attention. The situation is far worse then any of us can imagine. This is a call to action!
There is a large number of Nunavimmiut and a few Nunavummiut & Labradorimiut that are choosing to move into the Montreal area without knowledge or support of basic needs available to them and are unable to find it according to many I have spoken to. Systematic prejudice amongst landlords and very little support from all forms of government are making the lives of many urban Inuit that have chosen Montreal very difficult and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Last month Nunatsiaq News had an article featuring students that joined an educational program in Montreal's Verdun district that made it look like the program was a success story when in fact a number of students in that very program lack basic funding or government support to survive in the city. The program most certainly has good intentions when we look look at the educational aspect of it but when it comes to the financial needs of some of the students there appear to be weaknesses. One young man featured in the article gets claims he receives only four hundred dollars a month from that program and has recently undergone a life-saving kidney transplant just six months ago. His basic government funding was cut off and he was told to go get proper documentation from emploi-quebec now that he's in good health and has had all of his funding cut off for several months now from the Quebec government's east end Emploi-Quebec office. Basic housing needs for southern inuk without employment are one of the most difficult issues according to many Montreal Nunavimmiut. I have personally agreed to give my name and number as a reference for some folks needing housing and requiring a reference because many landlords don't like to rent apartments to aborignals nowadays and unfortunately many pay the price because of a few party animals in our community. "Yes, racism does exist in 2010 and when you expect the government to do something about it, they're nowhere to be found". The system needs to be revamped when it comes to meeting the needs and demands of the growing number of inuit that have chosen to live in the Montreal area. Without employment or social needs met, I have personally witnessed many people fall into the vicious circle of drugs and alcohol. The least we can do is try to help these people out by giving them basic support in terms of housing or a government assistance every month or even try to get those that need it into a program that will help them out with certain issues they might be running into it. As the system stands right now, people are getting more desperate and unfortunately I have also witnessed many who have turned to bootlegging as a means of survival in Montreal. Remember, the consequences of a total failure to respond to the needs of Nunavimmiut living in the south can have an impact in Nunavik also. The truth hurts sometimes but unless these issues are discussed and unless improvements are done, things will not get better for urban inuk. Action is needed now before it is too late. Maybe 1% of the millions in profits at Xtrata's mine in Raglan can go towards meeting some of the needs of Nunavimmiut living in the south. Let's hope community leaders across Nunavik and Montreal get it right this time. As it stands now, the system does not work for too many of us that have chose life in the city. We should also get the message out that Montreal is perhaps not the right place for somebody unemployed considering a life in the city. There are thankfully some landlords that do not discriminate against others, if you're in need of basic housing let me know and I can give you some phone numbers. Although recent figures from the census have not been released, it is well know that there is a larger Inuit population in Montreal and surrounding communities then in many communities of the north. Let's just hope the message gets out and the real decision makers can some up with some solutions, we cannot continue to ignore the real issues that are happening.
If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me at concernedinuk@hotmail.com